Mary Katherine

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Oh Christmas Tree

We put our Christmas tree up this week and Mary Katherine thinks it is the coolest thing ever. A tree with lights in the middle of our house!! Here are a few pictures of her examining the tree yesterday.

She is changing so much these days. Tooth number two broke through this week. She has mastered "Hi' with a very big wave to go along with it. We are working hard on high-five; sometimes she plays along, other times she looks at us like we are crazy. She loves music right now, especially anything remotely close to opera. She sings along beautifully:) She is crawling EVERYWHERE, and loves to pull herself up on furniture. Boma gave MK a walker that she originally bought for Griffin 10 years ago; Mary Katherine truelly belives she is "running", not "walking" all over our downstairs.


At 6:54 AM, Blogger Kim said...

I love that look when their mouths are wide open while examining something, concentrating so hard.


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