Mary Katherine

Sunday, July 23, 2006

So close...

Mary Katherine is so close to rolling over!! She just doesn't want to take her hand out of her mouth long enough to raise her arm out of the way. Here is a picture from tonight - she fell asleep playing! I have added two other pictures: one for her Grandpa Tom, Mary Katherine went to vote last week for the first time, and another of the princess on her throne! She loves sitting in this chair.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

15 Weeks Old

Here are a few fun pictures of our little girl that were taken today.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Fun around the house

Mary Katherine was having fun around the house with Boma this week. In this picture she is taking a free ride with the clean cloths - soon she will be folding them herself! She is growing so quickly, she now weighs around 11 lbs and look how great she can hold her head up.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Nicholas Loves MK

MK and her cousins had a great time together today. She loves to watch Jack and Nick play. Nicholas wanted to hold and kiss Mary Katherine all night!

1st 4th of July

I think you will see from these pictures that Mary Katherine slept through most of her first 4th of July. Here she is with her dad on our front porch and with her Uncle Brent on his front porch.